Thursday, May 21, 2015


Thinking back, I realized I've actually quite missed taking blogging as an obligation for I cherished all the little things that happened to me and that I never wanted any of it to slip off my mind. It was back in primary school when one of my closest friends started her first blog and telling me how it worked just exactly like writing a diary, except that you get to share it with everyone around the world, or at the very least, keep the memories with you because one fine day later, you'll find yourself reminiscing the old things that you thought you could read about. Since then, I started blogging.

The older we get, the lesser time we get. That's probably one of the things that we can all come to a mutual agreement. As I was once, very sadly, clouded with that thought, I stopped blogging too, just like most of the people out there. But god knows why most of the things that affected me the most, and the things that played such a colossal part of my life, only happened within the phase of time when I decided to stop blogging.

I was never a blogger with thousands and millions of readers. In fact, I presume I'm probably the sole person who actually bothers to read about my own life. Hence, I don't quite expect to have visitors, but if you're reading this, I guess our parallel lines have come to a meeting point and I hope you'll still find a way to come back!

As much as I've regretted ending my blogging routine in the entire year of 2014, I know I can't allow the mistake to continue. There's so much I want to share, so much I want to keep, so much I can't exactly keep track on. As I've always been pretty used to my original website, I've decided to export all my previous entries to another blog that you can be linked to by clicking on it at the sidebar (if you're by any chance, interested) . So yeap, I'm still keeping this even though it looks really empty but I promise to fill it with all laughter and tears that makes my life complete.

I would love to find out about your life too!


Zhuan Yuan said...

You have one loyal reader here! :) --- storylover AHHAHAH

zywn said...

As often as I can, I shall read and share my thoughts :D