Friday, June 5, 2015

See you again.

When I was about to leave high school, a part of me was heavy-hearted to leave, but another part of me was extremely excited. I looked forward to meeting new people, to creating a brand new pathway that could lead me closer to my dreams, to accomplishing much more that I've always wanted to do. As I was partly sick of being in SS15, I almost swore that I would never go to Taylor's College which is situated just beside Sri KL. I hoped to start my college life in a fresh place, where I could discover new things and find out more of which I never knew. Thus, I tried my utmost to convince my parents to bring me to Sunway College, but they were pretty much set on sending me to Taylor's since my sister did her SAM there and it could relegate a lot of hassles doing research or asking around about how it would be to be there. I was disappointed, of course, but there was nothing much I could do about it.

On the first day of college, I was engulfed with all kinds of questions. What to wear? To tie my hair up or not to? Skirt or jeans? Button-up or polo tee? Flats or sneakers? Handbag or backpack? I guess I was used to occupying myself with any possible anxieties.

However, I ultimately decided to go with being myself.

Until now, I can still vividly remember the moment I stepped out of the car and took my first step into my first college journey with my fingers entwined between each other, pounding heart that couldn't seem to calm its drastically accelerating pace while I was readily hoping everything would end in a fare thee well, just like how I've always pictured since young. It all seems like it was merely yesterday, but as a matter of fact, it has been a brisk one and a half year journey surviving A Levels, surviving growing up, surviving facing a brand new phase of reality, surviving meeting and leaving people, be it old or new.

When I stepped out of college yesterday, I had a smile upon my face. A smile, that contained satisfaction, pride and joviality, for I've realized at the last step I took to step out of college, that it was indeed one of the best decisions I've ever made to comply with my parents' wants, because this place has taken an enormous part of my life while planting uncountable seeds where more memories comprising of both laughter and tears, grow. There was no regrets at all, because I've grown to become a better person, with people who made me grow.

Having Group 21 as my classmates for a year and a half has been superb. I couldn't put it entirely into sheer words, but I would say without a single inch of denial, that without them, my life wouldn't have been so amazing.

Rumor has it that, most of the classes were jealous of how our class could easily unite as one from the start. Many would say they wished they were a part of us, or that their class could be like ours. And that is also one of the reasons why I was, and still am, proud to be a part of Group 21. We helped each other along the way throughout A Levels while pushing each other two steps forward when we were walking one step backwards. At the same time, we learned to give, to share our knowledge and not to forget, we learned to love.

In life, we will all come to a point where we cross paths with people who are so genuine even by the way they smile, where we meet people who will free their time for us instead of people who only look for us when they're free, where we know clearly that the circle of friends we have around us are the ones we will want to keep for a lifetime. And maybe 30 years later, we will watch some of us succeed, while we watch some of us fall. It's unavoidable. But no matter what happens in the future, the memories will remain and we will leisurely sit in a coffee place to laugh over our once stupidity and immaturity.

That is why it's true when people say, we wait for the magical moment when an ordinary person becomes someone extraordinarily special in our heart. We wait for the person who sees the best in us, tries to bring out the best in us, and makes us want to be a better person, whatever the cost, whatever the circumstances. It may be a long wait, it may seem to be an absurd myth to believe. But when fate happens to connect us to more and more people who are all the one person we thought was a myth, we will realize it's worth the wait. And magical things do happen, when we believe in fate.

I would like to convey my vehement thankfulness to each and everyone of you who have helped me so much. Thank you all so much for putting up with my annoyance when I got a little overly hyper, for lending me a helpful and patient ear when I had to spill my words that I couldn't already bottle up any longer, for heeding my words and then giving me advice from another side of the coin, for cracking jokes that would give me a horrendous stomachache, and for ornamenting my quiet nights with beautiful shinning little stars.

Aside from being a part of Group 21 in Taylor's, having an opportunity to be a part of WACKY was priceless. When people ask me what makes WACKY different than Rotaract and Leo, I normally say without even hesitating, WACKY is a family, and that's what makes WACKY different in many ways.

There were times when we were on the verge of giving up, and there were times when we couldn't help it but to devastate emotionally, mentally and physically. At that point of time, we hoped we could get some sleep and to wake up without a single worry about our upcoming events. But with our hands and hearts tied together along the journey, we knew it wasn't right to give up just yet, and we knew things could only get better.

Being in WACKY has taught me so much. The overflowing memories from WACKY could be of abhorrent scars, or lamenting tears, but most of it would be the love we grasped on for each other. It's moments like these we feel like we actually belong to a second home, a second family.

Lastly, thank you all for being the story of my life. You all have helped me unravel my one thousand and one threads of limitations that were deeply concealed under my shadow into beautiful privileges. Somehow I know we'll meet again. I don't know when, I don't know where, but I know we all will.


ZY said...

Hey, its been a while since I read your blog. I realized you haven't been updating your blog for quite a while, I'm glad to see that you're back to blogging and share the memories with others. Congratulation to you that you finally finished your A-levels. So any plan on what to study for your degree? :)


zywn said...

I bet it's a totally different experience in A levels compared to sr3. Because you'll have to start all over again with brand new people. I guess moving to skl have helped you a little n coping that? Anyway kudos to you for surviving Alvls! :D