Thursday, August 13, 2015


Just about three months ago, the Group 21 classmates and I started planning for a class trip that could wrap up our journey together before we leave to different pathways. Many factors had to be considered: local or overseas, airplane or coach, beach or city, and the endless list just went on and on. Of course, majority always wins, and by having multiple voting sessions, we finally came to an agreement that Phuket would be the most desired destination. Although solely half of our class was able to make it to the trip, I was still simply delighted that the trip wasn't called off at the eleventh hour. To be frank, that was almost part of my biggest fears aside from the scandalous rumor about the forecasted catastrophic weather, as I was fully in charge with the bookings of both the flight tickets and accommodation.

I looked into several hotels in Phuket, but most were either fully-booked or that they were completely out of our budget. As I've heard of some positive feedbacks on Airbnb from friends around me and that Rebecca Tan from Clicknetwork had a video on how amazing was her stay in an apartment that she managed to find through Airbnb, I thought it would be worth a try. 

One thing I really like about Airbnb is that you can actually specify the range of price you're willing to pay, which definitely relieves a lot of pain having to look into the accommodations one by one. Unlike other websites that offer just hotels, Airbnb offers apartments, private rooms and shared rooms. I figured we should get an apartment that could accommodate all 14 of us so that we could have great nights drinking and talking! In the end, I booked an apartment hosted by Nick that could accommodate 12 people but could also accommodate more people without any extra charges! Plus, I was also pretty much enthralled by the pictures and services that they provide. 

When we arrived at the apartment, what we could see was a terribly dilapidated apartment that looked so run down that it would probably crumple any moment. It really bummed me out, I can't even put it into words. But what more could I do? And thinking that I have most likely let everyone down was my biggest concern.

Having my fingers intertwined between one another and stealthily praying that our place would look just like how it did on the website was the most I could do. Fortunately, our place was a massive BOMB! It was indeed spacious just like how it was shown on pictures. Clean and comfortable and kitchen utensils... Basically, everything was well-prepared! Previously, I actually thought we would have to cram as we had another two extra humans, but nope, they provided us sufficient beds. Actually, even more than what we had asked for! Not to forget, the rate was definitely a great deal, I can't ask for anything better than what we've got! Besides, Nick, our host, was an incredibly approachable and helpful gentleman who recommended plenty of inexpensive and noteworthy restaurants to us. I would say, the location of our apartment was definitely at its best. It's located at the heart of Patong and with Patong beach just about 15 minutes of short stroll, we could feel the breeze from the ocean just anytime! The location was also beyond sheer convenience as we could easily catch a Tuk-Tuk. 

Alright, I think I'm getting overly excited about our apartment that I'm starting to fumble over words. I shall bring it to a halt right now. 

On the first day with our stomachs growling and tumbling, we went for lunch just along the beach where we could enjoy the incessant gust of wind that swept in. I simply loved the feeling of being able to have a peace of mind as if the sea waves were singing songs that could lure your minds of all chaos away! 

We went to Tiger Kingdom, possibly a must-go place in Phuket, at least that was what Tripadvisor said, HAHA. We could either get the cubs package or tigers package. Somehow I find it pretty ironic how the cubs package was much more expensive. I suppose adorableness is valuable too, no? 

We had to go in groups of 4 to 5, so we had to split. My group opted for the tigers package. Honestly, I thought it looked ferociously intimidating at the start. Yeap, thanks to my abominable cowardice. I had to seize all the courage I could get from every possible nerves in my body to only be able to lay a tiny finger on its skin. There were quite a number of tigers in that particular enclosed area. And from time to time, we sort of befriended each and every tigers there too! In the end, I didn't find it really petrifying at all! In fact, I could even lie on it. It was definitely a remarkable coup to me!

We went to watch Simon Cabaret show at night and I would say it was nothing like what I had expected. The 'Agua Show' I watched back in Bangkok was superbly extreme and wild, definitely not for kids below 18. No harm watching it again, I thought to myself at the first place. However, it was nothing like a legitimate 'Agua Show' but a truly spectacular show with well-trained and professional dancers and entertainers who could lip-sync so so well! Besides, they weren't too revealing as well, which I felt was a good thing. I would definitely give them another round of applause because I enjoyed myself so very much. 

Sadly, we didn't manage to take any photos with any of the performers after the show (or were we even allowed to?) as it was raining cats and dogs. Here's a Google image of their poster to give you a vague idea of it.

On the second day, we went island hopping! The weather in Phuket was beyond bipolar. And you know the feeling when you feel like your entire body is as sticky as a cotton candy because of the humid air? Yeah, IT TOTALLY SUCKED! It was raining quite heavily and by looking at the rough seas and choppy waves, I could only stomach all my insecurities while recalling all the unfortunate news regarding Thailand's sinking ferries and so forth. 

We waited for the rain to subside at the sheltered bay and behind closed doors, I couldn't stop cursing the weather. I mean, who would enjoy island hopping with such loathsome weather that flickered on and off like a lady on her period?

Apart from the upsetting weather, I would call it a splendid experience for someone like me who in all honesty, wouldn't say sightseeing was her cup of tea. We went visiting a lot of caves, so many caves I lost count. Hence, there was a lot of climbing too! I suppose I'm very much of a grounded person, not too much of a climbing and jumping person, ergo my mood that went a little downhill like I woke up from the wrong side of the bed.

Kayaking was the best part of the entire tour. As a matter of fact, I was a little paranoid while I frightened myself with the scenes from Jaws, and Anaconda, and even, JURASSIC PARK.

All in all, the entire tour definitely worth every single penny. No regrets at all!


That night, we went to Bangla Road after dinner. We didn't manage to take any photos because that place was too crowded and messed up with deafening music. I finally got to witness real life prostitutes. Not just one, but 400 metres of bars with prostitutes showing us leaflets that looked like menus, except that we didn't have foods as our choices, but girls. Plenty of girls! You can easily ask for girls from Russia, or China, or of course, Thailand. They will literally guarantee you that you'll leave with your heart's content.

Frankly speaking, I find this street a real eye-opener. Never have I ever thought that places like that actually existed, and that the population along the street would at least go up to 20,000 every night! It simply shows how casual sex could be unbelievably common on the other side of the world. Umpteen girls do this for their living, and I personally don't feel that they deserve any treatments that obviously contain thorough disdain. In fact, I feel that they living as prostitutes is just like any other people in the society living with their own profession. In the end, everyone wants and needs money, everyone is ogling the same damn thing. Money. It's simple as that.

And sometimes I do wonder, will prostitutes come to life, if men had never lusted over casual sex that much?

The next day was quite a relaxing day. We went to Phuket Town, a renowned and distinguished town in Phuket, again, at least that was what the internet said. Well, IT WAS NOTHING LIKE THAT! Having to walk in the heavy rain, with absolutely NOTHING to do was tiresome. Most of the shops were closed and there was nothing spectacular to see. I would proudly say Malacca is actually hundred times better than this awfully hushed town. Therefore, we ultimately decided to return to Patong for good.

After a long rest, some of us went for Thai massage whereas some went to the beach. The Thai massage was only 200 Baht. I mean, WHERE THE HECK CAN YOU GET THAI MASSAGE IN MALAYSIA FOR ONLY RM20? On the extremely plus side, it was so comfortable I could almost feel every part of my body losing its senses. One word, AMAZING!

At night, we went to Xana Beach Club. I was very much expecting a bigger crowd, probably a much larger tourist swarm, but as it was a Thursday (which they did say a Friday or a Saturday would definitely be better), there was no crowd at all other than us and a few more very civilized families. Nevertheless, the ambiance was perfect even though looking at the ocean at night could be scarily eerie. Many of us ordered their award-winning burger and gosh, it was the BEST burger I've ever tasted in my life, and I will never take back my words until I come across any other burgers that can taste better. Their service was excellent too, but I would love it better if the DJ could tone up the music a little and of course, bigger crowd and a dance floor.

The next day was a tremendously rainy day. I was glad that it was the day we had to leave, though. Having to stay sheltered at all times in an outdoor place like Phuket kills the mood.

4D3N went by too briskly that I couldn't even grasp hold of every single moment with all of them who have not only been great classmates, but great friends, great company, great mentors. Thank you Nick for the comfortable apartment; Thank you Phuket for the memorable experience; Thank you Group 21 for the superb memories. 'Till we meet again!

(All picture credits go to Daniel Ling, Instagram:

1 comment:

zywn said...

This reminds me of my sr3 trip, and I missed it so much. Scenery and new experiences aside, spending time with them before separating and pursuing our own goals was so precious :)