Monday, June 8, 2015


Two days ago, I went to KL with the rest of the Mohan's Angels (we went for his tuition class since last year and that was when we formed a closer rapport). They were pretty excited about the entire idea of going to KL by train because apparently, they've never taken a train in Malaysia before...

I know right? How could that even be possible? 

Back then when I was still in Kuen Cheng, public transport was almost a part of my life. As the school is conveniently located in the heart of KL, we could easily go to Midvalley which was only two bus stops away. And with the train, we could also go to somewhere further like Timesquare, KLCC and so forth. There were times when my friends would come up with brusque and spontaneous plans of going to Pavilion just to satisfy their Chatime cravings and then coming back for co-curricular activities. Sadly, when I transferred to Sri KL, the word 'Public Transport' didn't seem to exist because most people have their personal drivers, or that their parents wouldn't even concur with the idea of taking public transports. 

So two days ago, it was sort of an adventure for us, or much rather, for them. They didn't want to leave Malaysia for further studies telling people that they have absolutely no idea of how our transportation system works. Somehow I find it ironically peculiar that all four of us who are brought up in KL were totally unfamiliar with KL, but on the other hand, Wei Yoong who came to KL only since college started, could muster all KL directions on his fingertips. 

We were given the 1 Malaysia book vouchers worth RM250 few months ago and we figured we should all hunt for books in Kinokuniya. I can't exactly tell you how gleeful I feel to know that I can finally, FINALLY, feel completely laid back with my books I've been wanting to read since forever. I initially bought seven books with the vouchers. Upon that, I was given another Kinokuniya voucher worth RM20 and I just had to buy another one more book, albeit having to pay extra cash. 

We had trouble choosing a decent restaurant for lunch and it was crowded everywhere because it was a public holiday. We initially went to Chili's but the queue seemed as if our lunch would end up being our dinner, so we eventually opted for Ben's, one of my most-recommended places that makes cakes almost to perfection. 

To sum it up, it was a day very well-spent with them, especially when all of us will head to different paths sooner or later, I absolutely treasure the moments we shared together in college. I would say, having genuine friends who correct your wrongs in your face is equally expensive as living in luxury and extravagance. It is both, rare and precious.

Haha, there's so much I want to thank Mohan for. Economics, and this invaluable friendship. 

Before A Levels ended, I was so desperate to read Paper Towns by John Green. I suppose I was greatly affected by The Fault In Our Stars written by the same author, which I absolutely love until now. The story was whimsical and romantically well-written. I teared in three different parts and I would say, I'm not a person whose soul gets moved by a story so patently. The movie was almost as good, but of course, the book worded with detailed description of each emotions and actions was definitely better. 

I guess it was that that has made me anticipate Paper Towns to another level. However, I was very much let down by the ending. It made me feel like as if I've been through a long roller coaster ride frantically going through spine-chilling caves, exciting ups and downs, and when I was about to expect for more to come, BOOM, everything deflated. I don't know if it's just me, but I personally think the ending could have been better plotted. 

Yesterday, the family and I went for a short road trip. Mummy thought of going to Kuala Selangor, which I have to shamefully admit that I've never been to in my life. But Daddy figured Sekinchan would be a better destination. Frankly, there wasn't much to see. It wasn't a great place for sightseeing, nor was it a great place to stay. I could be overly opinionated at times, but I'm sure our country's tourist sector could do more out of this place. The beach was filthy with trash scattered all over the place, but when I first visited Sekinchan when I was twelve, the place was a whole lot better managed. 

Anyway, the paddy field in Sekinchan could be a great place for photos!

We went to this place where there was a humongous tree with umpteen bright red cloths hanging from branches to branches that was right beside a tiny temple. When I took a closer look, the red cloths had names and wishes written on it. From far, the tree looked a tad scary because it looked bloody red. 

I took one of the red cloths and wrote my name on it, followed by my wish. Needless to say, it is culturally believed that it is better if the cloth lands on a place fairly high. The higher, the better. I guess I wasn't very skilled, because...

Attempt 1: I got myself positioned as if I was prepared for a discus throw. When I tossed it, it landed somewhere, somewhere, somewhere... Nope, actually, it disappeared. And I got a little grumpy, so I insisted on getting another cloth for another attempt. 

Attempt 2: This time, I knew I could do it right. I mean, it's just tossing right? What could go wrong? I don't know how and when, but somehow I became the attention of everyone behind me. When I thought I was ready, I tossed it, and it flew BACKWARDS. Before I could even see its whereabouts, there was an explosion of laughter around me. So very embarrassing! Also, Mummy managed to take a picture of my miserable-looking red cloth. I hope it's not a taboo sign, though. 

Alright then, I guess that's it for today! Peace out.


Zhuan Yuan said...

Jane has grown up so much!

zywn said...

I've kind of laid down reading for awhile back when I was 17... because of dota :p And recently I'm picking it back up. I read P towns last year and watched the movie too. I think it's kinda cruel but genius as well, because many other expectations (of Q's friends) were met, but when he finally met Marg he found out that he wasn't as important as he thought he was. It's a very interesting contrast to highlight Margo's unique personality and the unpredictability in life. :D