Saturday, July 18, 2015


In one of my previous posts, I mentioned working as a part time waitress in a restaurant and I stopped updating about it after dengue virus had attacked me. I have to admit that being a waitress was never my first option that I intended to opt for. Although I was desperately seeking for a job that could take up all my time that was vulnerably spent lazing on my bed, I still aspired to do something that I would enjoy, or at the very least, learn something vastly out of it that I could relate with my own interests. Taking up the job meant pretty much to me, as it could be considered my first job, also leaving my reading, baking, music and drama sessions as my opportunity costs. The moment I took up the job, I had pictures of myself learning new baking skills and a chance to finally have my hands on a commercial coffee machine. Yeap, I was supposed to be a pastry helper. At least that was what I thought.

I didn't know by any chance that I had to do waitressing.

After my first day of work, I couldn't feel any more enervated standing on my wobbly legs and fatigued soul. On one side, I was crestfallen by the fact that I couldn't belong to the pastry counter, and that I had to do waitressing for the next two or three months while faking a smile upon my face like I was taking on the world every single day. After my first shift, the next shift had become the day with colours that could fill the clear sky torn by a lightning, which I dreaded very much. And knowing that our meal time was horrendously inconsistent, it only added up to my remorse on even thinking about starting it. Nevertheless, on the other side of the coin, I didn't want to waver from my initial intention of looking for a job while sticking with it.

Upon complaining about it to Wendy, who has been working in an accounting firm since February, I found out that her boss was looking for a part time staff as they were rushing for the deadline of the GST submission. Admittedly, I couldn't wait to call up to inform my boss regarding my resignation, but at the same time, I was afraid to have to be doing that, because leaving would make me seem flighty or inept. Neither one of those was what I thought I was, but it was the only way out. Resigning from my job as a waitress only after one sad day was embarrassing, of course. And by doing that has made me incapable of making myself visit the restaurant even though I fancy their food very much. Well, what can I say? I can't begrudge the consequences.

Many people may ask, how can doing accounting work be any better? I know this sounds utterly crazy, especially on a girl who wanted to drop Accounting after Form 4, after SPM, after AS Level, but was still one of the candidates for Accounting A2 Level. I guess I was destined to have this invincible bond with Accounting that I had to end up working in an accounting firm, totally out of expectation.

Honestly, I quite enjoy what I am doing right now in the company. My job scope includes keying in a lot of data that involve petty cash, contra, spare parts coding, bank statements and so forth. I'm currently under Kathy, who I call my mentor, and by looking at all the files that have been burdening her for months while she is competent of having all of it done by the deadline makes me impel myself to be as helpful as I possibly can. Also, my colleagues are really great people who are fun from the inside out. Here's a picture of my work cubicle taken when things have yet to be messed up with hundreds of folders.


I started working in this company just four days before I was hospitalized, hence, being on leave for almost two weeks. It did make me feel rather irresponsible knowing that I would have to take another 4-day leave for my class trip to Phuket, 1-day leave for my trip with the friends to Malacca and most probably a few more days for my visa application after result day. God heard my guilt and few days ago, when I was feeling completely groggy and lethargic while brushing my bottom retainer just like any other mornings, it broke out of a sudden. Oops? From that, I had to take a half-day leave on Thursday to consult my retired orthodontist's apprentice.

It was Ellen's birthday few days ago and a few of us went to Le Pollidor for lunch with her. It was our first try there as its location is pretty secluded. I would say their food wasn't extremely succulent but good enough to fill up your stomach. I ordered club sandwich because I missed having it in Peppercorn back in SS15. You will not believe how many times I've had that back then. Sadly, the one in Le Pollidor wasn't any close to the one in Peppercorn.

Last last night, I met up with the Baes in Setiawalk to have dinner at Padi House. It took us a long time to finally be able to spare some time for a simple reunion. Without a doubt, I am indescribably grateful for having them in my life because they're one of the very few reasons why I truly believe in friendships that will last. That night was the last night we could sit together to update each other about what have been going on and what will be going on to our respective lives. Days back in Kuen Cheng were days much simpler for our innocent minds and souls. We would sit around to gossip while we chuckled incessantly on stupid and puny matters. We didn't know how hard it would be for us to be able to do that again.

Time really flies. It's been six amazing years.

ZhiSan will be heading back to Taiwan for Media, Gillian will be heading back to Australia for Economics and Finance, YiTeng will be paving her brand new journey in Hong Kong for Medicine whereas ZhuanYuan will be paving hers in China for Chinese Medicine. We will all be scattered all around the world like the scattered stars that are seemingly distant. But I hope we will come out as wonderful and intelligent people and just like now and then, we will help each other when we fall, we will cheer for each other when we thrive.

This is not a goodbye, my friends. I absolutely look forward to seeing you all one year later!

Yesterday was Raya and the family and I went for a one day trip to Tanjung Tualang with my aunts. It was my mom's hometown before my grandparents decided to move to KL when I was only three years old. Thus, I can barely remember being there. Their house was then sold to their neighbour, but I could already tell that they've missed it very much through their excitement when they finally visited it again after many many years. We went visiting people, none of whom I knew. But it was definitely a great time for them getting to reminisce over things they grew up with.

This left me pondering if I would be like them as well in say, another twenty years? Will I be staying far from home? Will I miss the familiar footsteps I never failed to walk over? Will I miss the very few reputable restaurants I always visit? And will I miss everything that makes everything home?

Whatever will happen in the future awaits me. And I, too, will return to the place where makes me who I am. It's home, that will make us remember who we were, who we are, and who we will become.

1 comment:

zywn said...

Wow I see you have quite a few job experiences! So far I've only been draughting (drawing plans) for my dad hahaha! Great food as always and I am a little bit envious you all to be able to meet up :p